Position 5: Richard Woodsmith (expires 3/25)
Vice President
Position 1: Cooper Reid (expires 3/25) - Architectural Review Chair
Position 7: Claudia Bidwell (expires 3/25) - Welcome Committee
Position 2: Robin Woodsmith (3/26)
Position 3: Cindy Wobbe (expires 3/25) - Website Manager / Newsletter
Position 4: Allyson Smith (expires 3/26)
Position 6: Stephanie Leffler (3/26)
Board members serve two year terms: positions 1, 3, 5, and 7 should expire in odd numbered years; 2, 4, and 6 in the even (Bylaw 4.4).
Board Meetings are typically quarterly, but may be convened when needed. The HOA Annual meeting occurs on the second Saturday in March, followed immediately the first Board meeting of that year.
The Board relies on input from the property owners, so please attend Board meetings when possible so that you can be informed. You may contact the Board via email from this website, as well.
Agendas and minutes are available HOA residents on request. Please submit a request for meeting minutes via the "Contact Us" portal on this website.
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